World Of Tanks


Tactics are a crucial part of any war and can sometimes mean the difference between life and death on the battlefield. Tank warfare is no different and players should consider investing in tactics available for World of Tanks to improve their chances of survival and success. A number of core tactics and recommendations are available below.

Armor Angling

If it is one thing that tanks pack it is big guns and although the player may feel invincible behind the wheel of a tank this game is about tank vs. tank meaning the player will be shot at, hit, damaged, and destroyed win or lose the game. Angling the armor on tanks provides a significant benefit in reducing the chance of an armor penetration hit and hence extends the life of the tank and the players gameplay time. The recommended armor angle if facing an enemy head on is 45° to the enemy tank as illustrated below. Note that bouncing shots is not just about the angle of the armor. A number of factors determine whether your tank's armor is penetrated:

  • The degree that the player's tank armor is sloped
  • The thickness of the player's tank armor
  • The penetration power of the enemy gun and the type of shell used
  • The distance the enemy round has to travel

Armor Angling

Effective Armor Angle

When the player angles their tank the armor's ability to deflect or ricochet an enemy round improves with each degree the armor is angled. This is known as the Effective Armor Angle value, meaning the armor's thickness improves mathematically allowing it to be stronger and more effective without actually physically changing the armor tickness. Combined with the above factors a player can reduce, sometimes significantly, the chance of an enemy round penetrating their tank and causing damage. Note that angles greater than or equal to 70 degrees will bounce / ricochet any AP or APCR enemy rounds irrespective of armor thickness and armor angle. Angles greater than or equal to 85 degrees will bounce / ricochet HE and HEAT enemy rounds irrespective of armor thickness and armor angle. It is very important to note that a player can only maximise their armor effectiveness against a single direction of enemy attack i.e. front or side, but not both.

The illustrations below show how the armor effectiveness changes as the degree of the angle changes. Refer to the Tank Profiler for each tanks Effective Armor Angle

Effective Armor


Sidescraping is an armor angling technique whereby the side of the tank is angled sharply towards the enemy at an angle greater than 60 degrees whereby most enemy shots bounce. Angles greater than 70 degrees (85 degrees for HE and HEAT rounds) will almost definitely bounce if an enemy round was to hit the side hull. However angling the hull is not effective unless the rest of the tank is also protected in particular the front hull of the tank. Players should consider using Cover and only expose part of the turret and the side of the hull. The front track will be exposed so expect to be tracked however being tracked generally wont reduce the tank's hit points.


Effective Attacking Using Large Obstacles

Effective Attacking with large obstacles involves using your environment to your advantage to mount a more effective attack on enemy tanks while in turn protecting and minimising damage to the player's own tank. The techniques below present a sequence of "Attack - Use Cover and Reload - Attack" moving the tank to and from cover and repeating the sequence. It uses a combination of Armor Angling, Sidescraping, and Cover.


  1. Position the tank behind a solid object e.g. building or large rock to provide protection from artillery. Ensure armor is angled.
  2. Once the enemy exposes the hull FIRE!
  3. Drive behind (forward or reverse) cover and reload
  4. Move back into attack position ensuring tank armor is angled and FIRE!
  5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 until target destroyed

Hints & Tips

  • Always angle your armor whenever you can
  • This technique works better when combined with team mates increasing the fire power
  • Know your enemy ... Dont try and take on too much or an opponent much bigger than you
  • It is OK to run if the situation is getting out of hand
  • Extra caution needs to be applied if reversing as the rear and engine are exposed first
  • Target Weak Spots where possible
  • Call in artillery fire for extra support
  • Use Sidescraping if possible for even better armor protection

Front and Middle Mounted Turrets

World Of Tanks Attacking Tactics

World Of Tanks Attacking Tactics

Rear Mounted Turrets

World Of Tanks Attacking Tactics

World Of Tanks Attack Tactics

Moving Targets

Hitting a tank on the move requires some skill and a successful hit is rather satisfying. The key of course to hitting a moving target in particular one that is travelling at a decent speed is to lead the target. Leading the target involves aiming in front of the enemy tank with sufficient distance to allow the tank round to travel. The further away the enemy tank is the more leading distance required for a successful hit. It is important to note that the player's aiming reticle will be larger and less accurate if the player turns the turret or hull. The accuracy penalty resulting from moving the turret or hull can be reduced by the following:

  • Vertical Stabilizer equipment
  • Snapshot skill
  • Smooth Ride skill
  • Using a gun with a longer barrel and improved accuracy

The image below illustrates the leading distance (red target) required for a engine / mid hull shot compared to the enemy tank standing still which the player his a pick of multiple zones e.g. light blue target for a turret hit.

Leading Target

Flanking the Enemy

Flanking in military terms is attacking the enemy at the left or right sides that forces them into a two front battle, and has been around in warfare for generations. Armored warfare is no different. In fact executing a flanking move in World of Tanks is not very difficult however its important to note that while any tank can flank an enemy tank it is best put to use by Assault Support and Assault tanks who can get into firing position relatively quickly. The two examples below illustrate flanking attacks.

Hints & Tips

  • Know the situation ... Do not put your own tank in a situation vulnerable to attack from the sides or rear
  • Listen to team mate radio calls for help
  • This technique works better when combined with team mates increasing the fire power
  • Target Weak Spots where possible e.g. engine bay or side of the turret
  • Call in artillery fire for extra support
  • If the opportunity presents itself attack the enemy at their rear where armor is weakest

Flanking Tactics Flanking Tactics

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